Friday, March 1, 2013

Stop A Cough

Hubby has a cough. The dry, hacking, trying-to-get-my-wife-sick-too cough. There's only one sure-fire way I know of to stop a cough. No, not that! That's too final! I like to put Vicks VapoRub on the bottom of the feet, put socks on over them, and send the sicko to bed. Sounds dumb, but it really works.

But we're out of Vicks VapoRub. Time to make my version. Yeah. Debi's Shut-it Rub.

Get out the 10# block of beeswax Sister gave me about 10+ years ago. I've been shaving away at it for almost that long and I think I still have about 10 pounds. This stuff goes a long way. And some olive oil, the checkbook box of essential oils, and the double boiler (measuring cup in a pan of water) and here we go!

I'm not a measurer, I'm a dumper so bear with me. I put about a shot-glass of olive oil to about a tablespoon of beeswax in the double-boiler and melted it all together, then added about 25 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and about 20 drops of lavender essential oil. That filled my old blue Vicks VapoRub bottle to within 1/2 inch of the top.

Slather that on the bottom of Hubby's feet, add some socks, and 20 minutes later (ya gotta give it some time to work) - silence. Blessed silence. Shut-it Rub indeed.  :)


  1. Yep, your block is about the same size as my block. I can't believe I asked Andrew for 20 lbs of beeswax. Who was I kidding?

    But now I have a great new recipe for Vicks! Yay sister, you da man.

  2. Sensai says it works because all the nerve endings in our body run into our feet.

  3. Yay, I finally connected!
    Do I have to prove I'm not a robot every time?
