Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Greenhouse Makeover

Hubby and a friend made my greenhouse out of free windows we'd gathered. It was built around a central 4' x 8' raised bed. It was an unsatisfactory set-up, but last summer we just left it as-is and planted  all my old tomato seeds (2 to 8 years old!) in the bed and watched to see what came up. We got lots of grape tomatoes as well as a couple of volunteer hubbard squash and baby avocado trees from the compost we'd used.

This year, we decided to revamp the greenhouse. Hubby disassembled and I dug out the raised bed and we created a new bed in the corner of the  garden. To do that we had to first tear out the strawberry tower. The strawberries weren't doing so great anyway, so it wasn't a big loss. Plus I'll replant the few that look vigorous enough to actually produce something this year.

Yes, I realize the corrugated roofing looks funky, but it keeps the chickens from pulling the edibles through the garden fence and also keeps the wild blackberries from making inroads quite so quickly. We do what we can with what we've got.

With the greenhouse floor down to bare dirt, Hubby skirted it with weed matting. This is from the door to the back.

And this is from the back to the door.

In that central alley, I dug in some mosaiced stepping stones I'd made with a friend a couple years ago and planted Irish moss in the spaces between. Then I added the little cafe table and chairs that's been rusting away in the man-yard for the last year or so. Hubby built some planting "counters" and we set those in around the glass walls.

So, that's the newly configured greenhouse. And a shot of the garden from gate to greenhouse - you can see the poor remaining strawberry plants where I laid them in the bottom center of this picture:

And from greenhouse to gate:

So, ten raised beds of different shapes and sizes, mostly 4' x 8', an artichoke bed, a rearranged greenhouse . . . let the planting begin!

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