Thursday, February 21, 2013

Just Puttin' It Out There

I heard somewhere that if you want something, or really need something, you need to tell people. If you're looking for a used washing machine for cheap, tell people. If you need babysitting on Wednesday evenings, tell people. And someone will come along with an idea or who knows someone else who can fill that need.

Well, a while back I had myself a little fit about the scarcity of book matches for my powder room. In fact, I'm afraid I ranted a little bit on this blog.

Then what happens? My beautiful sister-in-law, Hair That Flows, drops by last Monday to give me some homegrown and hand-tied lavender smudges. Then, today, Hubby checks the mail and what's there? A package from my cousin Kandy Girl. It's a WHOLE BOX of matches! 50 books!

Check out the riches! My toilet overfloweth with smell-goods! I'll have the sweetest-smelling powder room west of the Cascades. Thank you HTF and KG  :)

So, the moral of the story is this:  if you have a need, put it out there.  Maybe you're blessed to have a family like mine. Maybe you know someone who knows someone. Somehow or other, hopefully sooner than later, your need will be met.

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