Monday, February 25, 2013

Fried Tatties and Eggs

Lazy morning fried tatties and eggs. Yum. But, while digging into my potato bin, I noticed several of my potatoes eyeing up. Not a problem!

I took out several that were way into the eyeing process and cut off the growing bits like this:

and fried up the ungrowing parts that were left. MMMmmmm good.

I let these four cut-offs sit for 24 hours. It's called chitting. You let them sit in the air until the cut part is dry and gray like this:

so they don't rot in the ground. Then I poke them in the dirt like this:

and cover 'em up like this:

and at the end of this next summer, they'll have given me 5-10 more potatoes from each chitted piece. And late next winter, I'll make fried tatties and eggs. And cut off the growing bits. And the process will start all over.

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