Saturday, January 19, 2013

On Home Ownership and Repair

The only reason my husband and I can own a home is because of my husband. Not just because he's the saver in this family, 'cause he is, but also because he is the fixer in this family.

We learned early on that a young couple just starting out in their new home had to have either (a) a wad o' cash or (b) a strong back and/or ingenuity. Whatever cash we had went to the mortgage. That left option b for repairs and improvements.

While I was growing up, my family rented. We moved a lot. I learned so much about packing, organizing, cleaning, stripping wallpaper, sanding and finishing wood floors, painting - all the surface things that make a home livable.

While my hubby was growing up, his family owned. They stayed in one place. He learned about cleaning out the well, cleaning the chimney, roofing, porch and shed building, home additions, plumbing, electrical. All the deep-down meaty things that make a home livable.

Hubby's philosophy? "I can attempt something three times before it costs me the amount a contractor would charge. And I get to learn something new each time." Of course, he hopes to get the job done in the first or second attempt.

He's taught me that as long as you know how to turn the gas, water, and electricity on and off, you can try most anything. I smile as I help watch him work. He's one of those guys. You know, the kind of guy that can build a chicken coop out of an old shower door and a pile of free pallets. And that makes him so hot.

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